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San Diego Styled Shoot

If you've know me over the years, you will know the San Diego has been my dream. To go, to see, to feel, and to become. I have always been called to San Diego and I still am not completely sure why. This past summer, my husband and I decided to set forth on a journey in our little green van for a few months to explore the west and experience a simplistic lifestyle. Along this journey, I had hoped to make some connections with other creatives and generate some work in some of the most beautiful places this world offers. In all the places and cities we ventured to, somehow I was able to connect with Natalie from Lazora Floral based in San Diego, California. Natalie is a magic worker as she was able to put together a styled shoot for us in the very short time we were in San Diego. She introduced me to Kat who was our gorgeous model. Both Natalie and Kat were great creatives and I was so glad to have met and worked with them. 


My time in San Diego was a literal dream come true for me and it is still hard to believe that out of all the new places we explore to, San Diego was the city where the magic happened. Oh, and incase you're wondering, the rest of our time spent in San Diego was more than I could have dreamed. San Diego was like stepping out of the real world for a mintute and experiencing a fresh reality. I will visit San Diego again, connect and create, and hope to ground some roots in San Diego.

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